Family Counselling


Beloved, I think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange things happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

Christian Counseling is a powerful area of ministry. Counseling techniques that are based on biblical principles can be applied to the totality of mans spirit, body and soul. Counseling techniques should not be deduced to “psychological” or “worldly” principles that have no application to the church. But rather, individuals that are called in this ministry should be spirit-filled souls, equipped and “balanced” to deal with spiritual, emotional and physical needs. Christian Counselors can have a profound effect on individual lives; therefore they must have basic skills that can enable them to interact with God’s people effectively.

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multiple of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)


Counseling can be administered in areas such as:

  • Spiritual – i.e. oppression from the enemy
  • Physical – i.e. sickness, female unable to have a child
  • Social – employment, martial, puberty
  • Mental – Depression

Our Homes

The enemy has launched an attack on our homes. The church is being bombarded by a rising number of cases that are dealing with family instability. Individuals in ministry have also been challenged with family issues in their own homes. We first must equip ourselves to cater to people needs. If we are unable to meet peoples needs, people will leave our church walls unaffected, depressed and wounded.


Culture definitely has a bearing on the way we interact with each other. The way we are raised contributes to the way we deal with our problems. Many of us have been notion that we should not “talk” about our problems. Think about it where has our silence left us today?

  • Generational Curses
  • Broken Homes
  • Emotional Disorders

The only way to deal with hurt is to get into it, not ignore it”